Thursday, July 07, 2005
Admittedly, my favorite conspiracy theory about Ellworth is that everything the Republican bloggers are (occsionally paid to be?) telling us was correct: Thune does have "the President's ear," and the closing is pubishment for Daschle's impudence ... but that the base actually is safe, and being on the closure list is a gigantic hoax since Thune can then prove his "power" by saving it.
This would, of course, require the willingness of Thune to manipulate the entire state, White House strategists like Karl Rove to play "gotcha" politics, and a public that's willing to be used.
This would, of course, require the willingness of Thune to manipulate the entire state, White House strategists like Karl Rove to play "gotcha" politics, and a public that's willing to be used.
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