
Monday, February 14, 2005

It's always fun when people don't get the joke. Now, I'm not one for explaining sarcasm. You either get it or you don't. But, my writing is usually so over the top I think that it should be obvious when there's a joke in there somewhere...

I've been asking some of the local bloggers and moralists if they've taken government funds ala Armstrong Williams, Maggie Gallagher, McManus, etc. Frequently, they demand to know who's asking the question. I then ask if the answer changes depending on who wants to know.

My motives, asked The Biblical Discernment Ministries?

Honesty in government. The hope that for those who speak on moral issues have credibility.

Not because they've had premarital sex, done drugs, promoted pornography, paid for abortions, given testimony to congress or written on issues they've been paid to promote and been forgiven by God, but because they have not given into these temptations in the first place.

I have more respect for people who've been pure of mind word and deed than those who've been found out, and only seem to have apologized because they got caught. Particularly those who claim God's forgiveness only for themselves while at the same time condemning others for "worse sins."

You've gotta love the response from James Beardsley and/or site editor Rick Miesel : "Understood. Like you we are not big on hypocrisy here as you may find if you read through our site rather exposing it. Thank you for being forthcoming."

Of course this means James Beardsley himself shouldn't be moralizing about the evils of gay marriage having admitting to "a variety of malicious mischief, vandalism, chasing girls, smoking, alcohol, and yes drugs, fortunately nothing beyond marijuana ... all this while I was 13 and 14 years old!" and might even remand the resignation of SD Family Policy Council's Robert Regier who paid for half of his girlfriend's abortion. Of course, this would prevent them from making profits, and not prophets. Of course, it's only "character assasination" when they're the targets. and not prophets.

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